Chapter 709

“I see. But why did you get Hank to murder James, then? Isn’t that unnecessary?” Julian wondered why his grandmother would waste such effort to have James dead. James was an unimportant side character, and it was a waste of resources to even deal with him.

“James? I don’t even know who that is. Why would I want to kill him? I suppose Hank decided to take things into his own hands and just get rid of him. Anyway, that’s not important. It doesn’t affect us in the least what happened to him.” Alma waved her hand dismissively.

As she spoke, she suddenly shuddered, and her breathing became erratic. A piercing pain hit her and spread out across her entire body.

“Are you alright, Grandmother?” Julian immediately noticed that Alma didn’t look good.

“It’s nothing new. Go and get me my medicine from the car. Hurry,” Alma instructed.

“Yes, Grandmother.” Julian dared not hesitate even for a moment and quickly ran over to the Rolls- Royce parked in front of them before he started rummaging around. In no time, he came back with a purple bottle. “Grandmother, your medicine.”

the bottle and poured out its contents, only to find it empty. “Where’s the medicine? Have I run out of them so soon?” She frowned as

should have provided her with the medicine Previously, Hank had always been in charge of retrieving the medicine from them and then secretly sending it over to Glenstead and into

hurried over to where Hank had fallen to his death.

“Grandmother, I’ve searched him

doesn’t have it? Could it be possible that he hasn’t gotten it yet?” Alma frowned and hastily urged Julian, “Call the

difficulties standing up and had broken out in

nobody answered. He made

I can’t seem to reach the Killians’ butler!”

teeth as the pain got unbearable. “Call Mr.

to clarify the situation. His face fell. “Grandmother, Mr. Killian said that

made, then where’s my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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