Chapter 710

“Grandmother!’ Julian was terribly shaken when he saw Alma collapse suddenly. Without a moment to spare, he quickly started the car and sent her to the hospital.

After the doctors tended to her, Alma was no longer in life-threatening danger. But her condition was far from good.

“Doctor, how’s my grandmother doing?” Julian immediately went up to the doctor the moment he stepped out of the ward.

“Mr. Nicholson, has your grandmother been frequently taking some special medication?” the doctor asked.

“Yes. She’s been feeling unwell, so she takes some supplements occasionally,” Julian admitted.

“I’m afraid those aren’t as simple as supplements.” The doctor shook his head. “The patient’s heavily reliant on the medication, and she has great amounts of toxins in her body. And with her old age, I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do for her.”

there is! Is there nothing you

to let the patient resume her medication to keep her body running for the time being. If we stop the medication so suddenly, I’m

was he going to do? He wasn’t the head of the family yet. Without his grandmother backing him up and his grandfather in a coma, things

had administered her painkillers, it was only a temporary relief

up to

found it

yet.” Julian shook

of the

production of it annually, so even if they manufactured it immediately, it’ll take at least a month for us to get it,”

I can’t wait that long! Think of something

at a loss for words. He couldn’t get his hands on the medicine, and there was nothing the doctor could do. What

our investigations, it was a man by the name of Dustin Rhys who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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