Chapter 724


Everyone was shocked before they burst out in laughter. They looked at Dustin like he was a fool.

“Hahaha… How hilarious! The audacity he has to act so arrogantly when he got zero marks!”

“He looked so certain of himself that I had begun to think he was all that. In the end, he was just pretending!”

“Even I could at least get a few points if I simply wrote some herbs. How did you manage to get zero points? What a joke!”

Everyone started to ridicule him.

wrote confidently and quickly. But in the end, the zero he received said a lot about him and exposed him

arrogantly when you’re getting zero? I am amazed.” Preston sarcastically gave him

if you insist on being arrogant!” Miranda looked at him like he

looked straight at the invigilator. “Are

me?” The

so I’m just curious why you gave me zero points.” Dustin countered.

the herbs right, but you added aconite to

put aside whether I got that wrong. Even if aconite were a wrong answer, I’d only get ten points deducted. Why

mistake meant he lost ten points. He would only be disqualified after three mistakes. He really could not comprehend how

If a doctor cannot even understand the difference between medicine and poison, what makes you think you can join

who brewed the medicine. I’m only listing what I

there. “Why would the Stoneray Order put something poisonous into our medicine? You are simply spouting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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