Chapter 725

“He said nothing wrong. There is aconite in the medicine.” Linden’s words shocked everyone.

“What?” That invigilator froze in disbelief. “Dr. Watkins, you must be mistaken. I remember that aconite wasn’t listed in the recipe.

The elders beside Linden did not say anything but had puzzled expressions. The medicines were brewed according to a recipe, and no one would dare to change it. How is it possible that it contained aconite?

“Originally, Aconite was not included. But I just felt like adding it, so I did,” Linden said casually,

“You felt like it?” When the crowd heard that statement, they exchanged looks with each other. Wasn’t Linden too carefree?

“Dr. Watkins, when aconite is combined with the Fritillaria bulb, it becomes poisonous. Why would you add it?” The invigilator frowned.

just now to criticize Dustin. Now, Linden had confirmed that there was really aconite in the medicine.

said casually. “If we strictly follow the recipe, it would be too simple and boring. They would easily be able to guess the

make things more interesting Everyone must think outside the box to notice the little surprise I prepared for

to spot it.

that. It seemed this was all planned by Linden. Most importantly, Dustin was the only person who successfully noticed the special ingredient added to the medicine!

truth, the crowd thought that Dustin was just an attention seeker, SO they mocked him as

notice that there was aconite. How did that bastard know?” Preston’s brows furrowed as he frowned. He was usually proud and arrogant because of his talents. He could not accept losing

took her a few years to be on the same level as her seniors. Even her mentor, Dr. Darby,

once made a mistake regarding medicine. That was until

The invigilator’s lips twisted to a frown, and he was

But I have a question for you. Can you guess why I’ve added aconite to the medicine?” Linden

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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