Chapter 691

What is it?” Azalea asked curiously.

“You’ve heard of the Mystic Arts Order, haven’t you?”

“Of course. It’s the greatest dark faction of all time. It’s even on par with Stonia’s Celestial Alliance, “Azalea answered.

The Mystic Arts Order was a mysterious faction. Despite having only a few disciples, everyone in the group was trained in the mystic arts as well as martial arts. And because of their ruthless way of killing their targets discreetly, they quickly became the strongest dark faction of all time.

group,” The Dark Lord said wistfully. “I might not have been the brightest disciple there, but I was still a talented individual

still wish to return there?” Azalea

heaven to people like us. It’s filled with numerous secret arts and is home to many powerful fighters. If I can get back

like you have a

is my ticket to return

“No.” Azalea was puzzled.

Hunter!” The

was the successor of the Mystic Arts Order and stood higher than anyone in the group. Most of the time, the leader would keep themselves hidden from the world outside, so

something. Didn’t the Grand Sorceress

she has a daughter.” The Dark Lord smiled sinisterly. “Very few people know that she gave birth to a daughter after eloping with Michael Robinson. The leader of the order only discovered this after tracking Katherine down

world. I didn’t expect myself to discover this

“Master, do you intend to trade this information with the Mystic Arts Order so that

naturally became the next Grand Sorceress, and the Mystic Arts Order would do anything to

lit up.


we bring the Grand Sorceress back to the order, they will worship us endlessly,” the Dark Lord boasted. He laughed manically before

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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