Chapter 690

Amidst the heavy snowfall, a figure in black dashed on frantically, ignoring the fierce winds. Blood trickled out of his wounds and dripped onto the fresh snow beneath him.

“That piece of shit. He nearly killed me! Thank God I used Blood Shield, or I’d be dead meat by now! * The Dark Lord gritted his teeth, only letting out a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was on this trail, his face still ashen.

Michael’s final attack had been so strong that it had pierced his protective barrier and even

managed to cut through his ametrine armor, leaving a deep gash on his back. If it weren’t for that armor, he’d be dead by now. No wonder so many people feared the five Grandmasters. Fortunately, he managed to survive, and he even got some shocking information.

toward his hiding spot. After ten minutes, he finally reached a

you?” Several masked women jumped out,

me.” The Dark

The women immediately lowered their

The Dark Lord

hall,” one of the

Dark Lord reminded

observing a wooden jar. She watched, amused, as a poisonous scorpion


When Azalea saw the man, she paled and rushed over. “Master! What happened? Who did

Robinson was helping the Harmon family, so I lost.” The Dark Lord

frowned. “Didn’t he disappear years ago? What’s he

he was. Today’s just my unlucky day.” The Dark Lord sighed. He thought he’d finally be able to destroy the Harmon family after becoming at Grandmaster, yet Michael’s sudden appearance nearly

rotten luck!

as you’re alright, we’ll have many more chances to take revenge. Let me treat your injuries.” Azalea immediately got to work, swiftly applying medicine and patching the man up. However, his internal injuries

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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