Chapter 687

“How is that possible?” Everyone’s jaws dropped. Even Herman hadn’t been able to withstand a single strike from the Dark Lord, so how was the feeble old man still standing?

“I-is this really happening? Mr. Robinson blocked the attack with his body?” Jacob’s eyes were wide.

“Holy shit! When did he become so powerful?” Trent gulped, his face stunned in disbelief. Although Hector didn’t say anything, the shock was written all over his face.

in awe. Even if the Dark Lord

his strength just now, yet Mr.

Mr. Robinson shook his head, a clear

you!” The Dark Lord’s gaze hardened. He took

It can burn anything and kill

in the martial world. Anything it touched would immediately turn into

gentle puff, a strong gust of wind raked by, putting the

How did such a terrifying weapon get

It was so powerful that even Grandmasters would have a hard time defending themselves, yet Mr. Robinson had blown it out so easily.

your turn. Now, it’s mine.” Mr. Robinson slowly raised his


force, blasting through trees, a fake hill, and the gazebo before eventually crashing into the snow somewhere back,

Grandmaster, someone countless martial artists yearned to become, had been defeated by a single attack from Mr.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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