Chapter 686

“Draw your weapons and fight!” Hector bellowed, his determined gaze psyching the rest of the

family up.

“Fuck, let’s do this!”


going on for years, and there was no

pests dare challenge me? You will all die!” The Dark Lord’s expression hardened. “Hector,

and onto the Harmon family members, making it hard

when a pebble shot toward the shadow palm. There was

the Harmon family began

have only used less than a

everybody? Can’t you just forgive them?” With a sigh, Mr.

stand up for them when things got rough. Alas, it wasn’t enough.

you? How dare you stop me!”

a debt, so I hope you could be generous enough to let them go.” Mr.

you to talk to me

you have to

Dark Lord

and stop you then,”

old thing!” The Dark Lord snarled. He launched himself forward and thrust

so strong that it ripped through the air, causing the snow around them to evaporate and the trees

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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