Chapter 672

The burly man’s expression changed drastically. His body began involuntarily moving toward the pale man at high speed, as if there was an invisible rope pulling him forward.

All his struggles were in vain.

Finally, his throat ended up in the pale man’s grasp

“You” The burly man was terrified. He opened his mouth, but before he could get a word out, the pale man clenched his fist.

There was a crack. The burly man’s head fell to the side, and he died instantly.

“Ah!” Everyone was horrified by the gruesome sight. The pale man had simply grabbed a man and

killed him.

That move was frankly frightening.

no one would dare act out of line!”

calm everyone down.

How dare you act so boldly here?!” Caelus took two steps forward. His gaze was sharp and aggressive. The sword on his back began to vibrate slightly, as if ready to spring free from

Dark Lord, Gray Ghoul.” The pale man tossed

Ghoul? It’s Bloody-Eyed Gray Ghoul?!” Everyone

robbing, often using cruel methods. If he appeared, then things usually

upstanding martial arts tried

this scourge.

of them ended

ambush would teceive revenge. They were hunted to the ends

also vanished for

one expected him

here?” Natasha narrowed

three days on high alert, the Dark

He’s just a wayward martial artist. What’s

here, what do we have to fear?!” The

the Harmon family had invited them there


they’d taken the money, they had

Gray Ghoul smirked coldly. “Today, all of

your head offf” Caelus pulled out his

terrifying. His sword


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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