Chapter 671


When Marlon knelt on the ground, his lackeys all seemed aggrieved. Although Caelus was very strong, if they all fought him together, they would have a shot at winning.

They couldn’t understand why their leader would kneel in front of everyone. If this incident got out, their reputation would be done for

“Don’t let me see you all again. Get lost!” Caelus snorted coldly.

“Let’s go!” Marlon said nothing more and immediately fled with his lackeys. He didn’t dare stay a

second longer.

“Amazing! What an amazing fight!”

senior disciple of

he defeated Marlon the Hoodlum! It’s

artists in the hall

were furious at him. It was

that Caelus had taken down Marlon the Hoodlum, they

you still dare question him?” Ivy raised her head pridefully. She had felt a little unhappy because of Abigail’s doubt

much as say a word. Yet, Caelus stood up for you and defeated your

so impressive about that? Dustin is not any weaker than your

with her own eyes during

a gap between him and Terry. Naturally, he wouldn’t be able

have shrunken back into

a woman stand in front of him. He’s

at a loss for words. She turned around and said huffily,


sound so high and mighty. What a joke!” Caelus leaned over, not forgetting to make a snide


didn’t bother

the gap between us. It’s like heaven and earth,”



to ride

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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