Chapter 696

Inside the chairman’s office at Nicholson Corp., Dahlia stood before the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows, gazing pensively at the falling snow. The city shimmered with vibrant lights, yet she Was there alone

Her mother had returned home yesterday while she remained in Millsburg to settle pressing work commitments. On one hand, she truly had matters to attend to, but on the other, she was hiding. She didn’t know how to explain James’ death to the family. Until the real culprit was caught, Dustin remained the prime suspect.

While she was lost in her thoughts, her phone suddenly rang. She was surprised to see that it was a call from Regulus Nicholson, the Nicholson family patriarch.

“Hello, Grandpa Regulus. How can I help you?” Dahlia was quick to greet him.

at home and will be working overtime at the office instead?”

attend to at work. It’s more convenient for me to stay here.”


But you need to balance work and rest as well. Don’t

for your concern, Grandpa Regulus. I’ll take care of

as there is something

“Please go on.”

to step down from my position and appoint you as the new head of the family,” Regulus declared, dropping a

the matriarch?” Dahlia was shocked and refused immediately. ” Grandpa Regulus, that won’t do! I’m too young. How can I possibly

firsthand. You are entirely capable of taking on the position and leading

Dahlia was in a dilemma. Managing Nicholson Corp. alone was already giving her a headache. Since her current

but they are not ready to lead the family. You, on the other hand, are different. You built up your own family with your own

Regulus, you’ve overestimated me. Firstly, I don’t possess the family’s wealth. Second,


I’m simply not qualified.” Dahlia was. feeling helpless. Even though she was ambitious and had considered fighting

you need. As long as you agree, I will personally support your succession,” Regulus declared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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