Chapter 695

The Harmons were naturally curious since Dustin and Michael’s conversation went on for some


“Nothing much. Mr. Robinson just requested that I take care of Abigail in the future,” Dustin replied.

“That’s all? That can’t be.” Trent was suspicious.

“Yeah.” Dustin shrugged. He knew that Abigail’s identity as the Grand Sorceress shouldn’t be

made known for her safety.

capture the Dark Lord. As long as he is alive, the Harmons will be in danger.” Hector

with some of his men. I wonder how he’s doing.” Trent was slightly worried. Although the Dark Lord was severely injured, he

At that moment, the butler rushed into the

looked over at

outside just passed us a gift earlier, asking us to deliver it

Dustin was perplexed.

said it was a surprise.” The

room watched, and their expressions transformed instantly. Inside the

his study, engrossed in a game of chess. Suddenly, a fleeting shadow glided by the corner. Moments later, a woman with a mask resembling a water droplet emerged slowly

remained focused on the chessboard, never once looking

didn’t manage to get his hands on the treasure map,” the masked woman

Tyler’s brows furrowed. “That trash! I spent all those resources to help him attain the level of a grandmaster, but he ends up not being able to deal with the


unexpected happened today, master. Michael Robinson appeared and

Lord,” the masked woman

he doing at the Harmons?” Tyler was

masked woman replied, “Based on my investigation, the Harmons


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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