Chapter 736

“This is a joke, right, sir? I-it isn’t proper to promote him to an elder when he just joined the group!

“He’s right, Dr. Watkins. This is the first time there’s been an exception like this. That’s not normal!

“Sir, we know you favor talented individuals, but I’m afraid others might be unhappy with your decision.”

The elders and many disciples of the Stoneray Order were upset when they heard that Linden would promote Dustin to elder, which was only one rank below the assistant leader.

Disciples usually started as junior disciples before becoming intermediate disciples. Then, they would be promoted to senior disciples. As senior disciples, if they made any major contributions, they would be promoted to upper disciples.

Upper disciples were then categorized into three classes-upper third, upper second, and upper first. Only upper first disciples had a chance of being promoted to elder.

to a higher rank took years, so for a junior disciple to climb the ranks and become an elder would take at least a few

skills are more than worthy of becoming an elder!” Linden

Linden couldn’t be sure he could do. That was why Linden desperately tried to recruit Dustin into

him in as an upper disciple, but I think appointing him as an elder is

for centuries; there has never been such

shouted angrily, scaring the others into silence. After all, he was the one with the ultimate

us, you can become an elder and get the thousand-year green lotus. I also swear never to stop

an honor, sir. I accept your offer. Thank you.” Dustin smiled. At this

else. His position was very influential in the entire country. After all, no one would claim that

was easy to see why Stoneray Order ranked first in terms of connections and influence. It was

a banquet to welcome our newest elder!” Linden ordered.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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