Chapter 737

“Are we being followed?” Roderick frowned and ordered his driver, “Go faster, Gary!”

“Yes, sir!” The driver, Gary, immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car shot forward.

Suddenly, a black van popped out from the fork in front and stopped on the road horizontally.

Gary paled and stomped on the brake, causing the tires to screech. Still, the momentum caused their car to collide with the van.

There was a loud bang as the impact caused the van to flip, and Roderick’s Rolls-Royce could no longer work. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

However, when Dustin and the others tried to run away, the cars that were following them had already caught up to them.

carrying expandable batons jumped out and surrounded them. They looked scary and

Roderick roared, pis s ed that someone would dare to harm him

of the car, a smirk on their faces. “How kind of you to

again. Are you surprised?”

you two. Do you plan to rob

us the thousand-year green lotus if you want to

than mine, so now you’re doing something like this as revenge? Are all Asclepia people like this?” Dustin

up!” Miranda snapped,

she added, “You only have two choices right now-give us

if you guys can do that.” Dustin

going to be stubborn to the end,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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