Chapter 746

Dustin didn’t resist as he was dragged into the car. He was blindfolded, and a hood was placed over his head to ensure he couldn’t see anything.

That was the start of a long, shaky drive.

Dustin could tell that they had driven out of the city, so these enforcers were definitely not from the investigation bureau.

After some time, when Dustin began to feel sleepy, the car finally stopped. The doors opened, and the metallic stench of blood pierced his nose. He could also smell the dis gusting scent of rotting flesh.

“Where are we, sir?” Dustin asked curiously.

“Sh ut your mouth and get in!” The man beside him snapped as he dragged Dustin forward.

through several checkpoints and heavy iron gates before riding

to a halt with a clang. Different noises instantly surrounded Dustin-cries, wails, shouts, and laughter. There was

and Dustin finally realized that they were

center was a long, dark corridor that seemed to go on forever. Rows of prison cells lined both sides, each packed with dozens

mercy. There were even some who began to cackle

“Move it!”

cells before stopping in front of the cell at the

into the cell and swiftly left after

you get into to end up here?” A bald, muscular

someone,” Dustin

The other


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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