Chapter 747

The same went for everyone else. At first, their eyes had been filled with hostility. However, after hearing Dustin’s answer, they smiled welcomingly at him.

“If you had done an evil deed, you’d be dead by now. Fortunately, you were just avenging your wife, so you’re a real man!”

“It seems like Shadow Gang will have a new member!”

Everyone in the cell studied Dustin carefully. Although they didn’t seem happy to see him, they didn’t seem as hostile anymore.

“What are you guys talking about?” Dustin was confused.

“Over here, there are all sorts of guilds and gangs. Ours is Shadow Gang. Our rule is simple: settle scores fairly. You can ki ll your enemies, but you can’t hurt innocent people. If you’re caught, you’ll be heavily punished.” The bald man grinned.

“He’s right. We might not be good people, but at least we’re honorable men who won’t allow others to hurt innocent people!” The other men agreed.

Dustin was surprised. It seemed like not everyone here was evil.

us now, kid.” The bald man threw his arm over Dustin’s shoulder as if they had known each other

guys here are

lled dozens of corrupt

bu nch of dicks who were raping

gang of bandits that wiped out a village, so I took all of

and began boasting about

didn’t expect to

a new kid?” a raspy voice asked from the

a bony

was unkept, and his face looked gaunt. His hands and feet were bounded with thick iron chains, and metal rods pierced into his

fully developed divine-level martial artist here. After all, this would mean that the

to keep quiet, so you can keep sleeping.” The bald man

to do besides sleeping and eating anyway. It’s been a while since we had

respects to Mr. Adler.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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