Chapter 749

“It’s me.” Dustin stepped forward.

The well-dressed, portly man gave him a look over and asked, “Do you understand the rules in here yet?”

“What rules?” Dustin asked.

“Everyone needs to get a beating when they first arrive. Naturally, I’m the one who determines how heavy the beating will be. Got it?” The well-dressed, portly man made a point to tap his baton.

“So, you want money?” Dustin raised an eyebrow.

“Smart boy!” The other man nodded, pleased.

“My men and I have to take care of trash like you every day. So we deserve that much, don’t we?” He rubbed his fingers greedily.

“Sorry. I don’t have any money.” Dustin shook his head.

“You don’t have any money?” The well-dressed, portly man frowned and snapped, “Then write a letter to your

family to ask for money! Your punishment will be lighter the more you pay.”

poor family. We don’t have

you’re just a hobo! What a waste of my time!” the

and give him 80

on. Isn’t it supposed to be 50?”

giving you another 30 lashes. Got something to say about it?” The well- dressed, portly man

you think that you’re taking things too far?” Dustin narrowed his

what to do?” The

it 100! We won’t stop until

consequences of your actions?”

The well-dressed,


decide whether you get to live. If you pi ss me off, I’ll make your life a living

seen countless people like Dustin, who arrived with ar rogant attitudes. However, with a few canes, they immediately submitted

did you find the ba


The portly man’s face hardened, and his blood

Men, drag him out and beat him up till he’s

seriousness of the situation, the old man begged, “Sir, he’s new here and doesn’t know anything. Please

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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