Chapter 750

Everyone was shocked by what just happened.

The prison officers in Azkaban were far from ordinary. They were all powerful and highly skilled. Otherwise, they couldn’t stand up to the evil criminals inside.

No one would have expected that Dustin could have beaten these elite fighters up so quickly.

It was truly frightening. Of course, more than shock, they felt fear.

There were all sorts of experts in Azkában, even Grandmaster martial artists. Beating up the prison officer would catch the mastermind’s attention.

When that happened, the consequences would be unspeakable!

After returning to his senses, the well-dressed, portly man began yelling, “Punk, you really have big ba lls! How dare you touch me?!”

It wasn’t like nobody had challenged his authority before, but they had all ended up tortured to the brink of death.

“So what?” Dustin said with a calm expression.

“For beating me, your punishment is now doubled! If you don’t stop right now, not even God can save you!” the man yelled.

“Young man, let go! Don’t make things worse!”

can’t afford

You don’t have to dig

panic, trying their

would be in trouble if something happened to the portly man,

there was no such thing as law or justice. The warden

you lived or d ied was solely the warden’s

hear that? Let go now, or I’ll k ll you!” the portly

me, so why should I let you go? Since I’ll d ie anyway, I should just k ill you,” Dustin

dare!” the

a piece of hair on my head, not

beat them. While things haven’t completely reached the point of no return, you must stop before it’s too late! Or else, there will be a hor rible price to pay!” the older man,

if I let him go, he won’t let things go. We might as well di e together,” Dustin

portly man.

was his

the life of

was just a misunderstanding. Why don’t we let bygones be bygones, for my sake?” Cornelius

since you spoke up, Mr. Adler, then I’ll spare his life this once!” the portly man said, using this opportunity to dig his


whenever things didn’t go their way. If he got ki lled, it would

forgive you.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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