Chapter 419

For a moment, the room fell into an eerie silence, stunned by what had transpired.

“You should give up if that’s all you’ve got.” Dustin stretched, bored.

“You’re dead meat!” Pissed, the Four Guardians exchanged glances before launching themselves at Dustin


This time, they gave it their all aiming for his vital or vulnerable spots with firm attacks.


With a mighty stomp, the ground beneath them gave way, forming a large pit. The commotion shook the entire dojo, and at the same time, extreme Divine Aura whirled around before heading straight toward the four


the air, blood gushing out of their mouths


Flame Dragon Gang, who were all High–level martial artists who had never lost

how monstrously strong was

“H–he won?”

Four Guardians and that they could defeat Dustin easily. Instead, Dustin got rid of them with a single stomp. If they hadn’t personally witnessed the entire ordeal, they

that possible?” Harry sprung up, incredulous. The Four Guardians had been the ace up his sleeve and Flame Dragon Gang’s pillar of strength, but


Aura?” Patrick was

that. When martial artists achieved divinity. their internal energy would then be called Divine Aura. The latter

that Dustin was a Divine–level martial artist, they

to find

a monster.”

dojo, he was the only one who knew how strong Dustin was, but he’d held out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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