Chapter 418

“You must have a death wish for challenging the four of us, kid!”

On the platform, the four bald men stared at Dustin intently with cold smiles. They’ve met countless skilled martial artists in Millsburg, but they had defeated all of those who challenged them. Dustin was not going to be any different.

“Cut the chit–chat. Let’s fight.” Dustin kept his left hand behind his back and stretched out his right.

“Since you’re determined to die, let me help you!” One of the bald men couldn’t wait any longer and dashed toward Dustin, throwing a punch at the man. The force and speed of his attack produced an audible whoosh,

“What a powerful punch! It could kill someone easily!”

“I take back what I said. He won’t even last one punch!”

ladies were stunned by the bald man’s

was secretly shaking his head. Each of the Four Guardians was a High–level martial


that this was the end of the

merely stood silently at the side, not saying a

bald man’s fist landed heavily on Dustin’s chest with a

who had attacked him staggered back, nearly tripping. The bones

full power, which could have punched through walls.

only hurt himself.

How terrifying!


stumbled backward. They had all assumed

Dustin, who turned out

this.” The eldest of the four

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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