Chapter 379

Jayla finally realized she had been miserably deceived. However, she only had herself to blame for her mistake. Of course, with the power the Grant family held, she could demand a refund from the auctioneer. But if she did that, she would be badly criticized. She couldn’t afford to be humiliated as such. For the sake of her reputation, she could only swallow her resentment.

Roderick added insult to injury. “Ms. Grant, it seems like the item that cost you a fortune isn’t that precious after all.”

“You can’t say that. Even though it’s lacking a few years, it’s still considered a precious treasure.” The man in the long–sleeved shirt attempted to diffuse the situation.

“Did you hear that? Even if it’s lacking, it’s still precious!” Color returned to her expression.

“I’d like to ask. What’s the value of

looked troubled and answered with difficulty, “Based on its effectiveness and age, it

It’s only worth three to four hundred million?” Jayla was stunned. She bought it

and wealth, that

turned sour. In the end, it turned out that

in, “Mr. Brooks, I don’t think you are in a position to mock her. While Ms. Grant incurred a significant loss, your purchase isn’t

arms, she said, “Even though my treasure lacks in age, at least it’s much more useful

put a value on happiness. As

few billion?”

the one that recovered this red gemstone. In other words,

a small loss. However, he was also played by his opponent. Not only did he suffer a loss, but he was also humiliated and

about it? Go sue me

can do if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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