Chapter 378

Roderick continued bidding.

“One billion.” Jayla showed no signs of letting up. As she was deliberately targeting the gem, the price of the red gemstone hit the billion–dollar mark, which had far exceeded the valuation of the gemstone. It would be a great loss for the winning bidder.

“It seems like they’ve come head–to–head with each other.”

“I have a bad feeling something is going to happen to Big Buck Brooks for offending Ms. Grant.”

“He’s just wealthy. How does he have the guts to challenge such a prominent family?”

crowd pointed and gossiped fervently, clearly

Roderick raised his paddle again, boldly increasing the bid by 500



“Ms. Grant, if

would be disadvantageous for her if she continued increasing the price and ended

with a mocking smile. She had raised the price of a two- to three–hundred million–dollar


The auctioneer struck his hammer, signifying Roderick as the winning bidder of

them, “Hah … One look tells me you are from new money. You don’t have any sense. You

showed off the box containing the thousand–year green lotus

sure are overconfident. Take a good look at it. Is your green lotus really a

brows. “What nonsense. This precious item is pure, and

smell. Of course, it’s a thousand–year green

Count them. Does it have

how many times she counted, there were only nine petals and nine

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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