Chapter 456

Looking at all the hostile faces around him, Dustin smiled an imperceptible cold smile. They really didn’t know what was good for them. If he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have saved anyone. Now, he not only ended up failing to get into anyone’s good books but even brought trouble unto himself. How unlucky!

“Why so quiet, Dustin? Is it because you’re feeling too guilty, so you don’t dare to speak a word?” Quentin said aggressively. He looked as if he wanted to get to the bottom of things.

“You’ve already said everything there is to be said. What else can I say?” Dustin snorted and continued, “I saved your lives, but you keep insisting that I poisoned you and speaking so self–righteously. I’ve never met anyone as ungrateful as you bunch.”

“Humph! How dare you still defend yourself?!” Quentin’s gaze was icy as he said, “If you didn’t poison us, then why don’t you explain why you have the antidote?”

“That’s right! Why would you have the antidote?!” Everyone started demanding loudly. The incident was too much of a coincidence: it was difficult for people not to be suspicious.

“I’m a doctor, and I’m also proficient at medicine. Isn’t it normal for me to cure you guys from the poison?” Dustin said plainly.

Dustin is indeed a very

Ruth added. They believed firmly

if you’re a doctor and happened to have the antidote, then tell me why you didn’t get poisoned. Don’t tell

capabilities, common types of poison had no effect on him.

Dustin! You’re such a good liar. You’re also human like all of us, so what gave

Immune to poison? Sounds like bullshit

poisoned us could come up with

up and hold him

crowd flew into a furious uproar. They obviously

and say something!” Seeing that the situation was going sideways, Natasha


to the whole family’s life lightly. Most importantly, there were still suspicions

Chapter 456

of the family all along.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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