Chapter 455

After struggling for half an hour, everyone finally managed to drink the antidote. Although they were still weak and pale, their lives were no longer in danger.

By the time they were finished, Natasha collapsed on the floor, worn out, and Dustin heaved a sigh of relief.

It was fortunate that he had so many drugs on hand, or there’d be no way he could deal with so many poisoned patients.

“Thank God you’re here, Dustin, or our family would have been done for.” Hector pulled himself up, his face full of gratitude. The Harmon family had nearly been wiped out.

“You’re welcome, Mr. Harmon. I just did what I had to.” Dustin replied, waving his arm.

“Uncle Hector, don’t you find this suspicious?” Quentin suddenly asked. “Why does this guy have the antidote?”

“What are you implying?” Hector frowned.

the gathering is either from our family or our esteemed guests. Everyone knows each other very well,

I’m the one who poisoned you?” Dustin

incident. You were able to correctly identify

spouting nonsense! Why would he save you if he

“He orchestrated this entire thing. He first poisoned us before saving us with the antidote. This is not the first time I’m

Dustin, their gazes conveying various emotions. Wariness. Distrust. Confusion.

logical. After all, everyone present had a vested interest and knew each other inside out, and


saved your life just now, but you’re accusing him wrongfully? What

help everyone figure out who the mole is,”

You said that Dustin is the traitor.

“All of us were poisoned, but he was completely fine, so who else

words caused

were poisoned

he turned out to be the person

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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