Chapter 454

“What’s going on? Who did this?”

Natasha’s brow furrowed tightly as she studied the people on the floor, her face turning cold. Things would still be fine if only a few people were poisoned. Now, however, hundreds of people had been poisoned simultaneously. The consequences would be detrimental

The person who did this clearly only had one aim–to get rid of the Harmon family, once and for all!

“Dad! Mom! Uncles!”

Ruth panicked after seeing her family fall to the floor consecutively and darted toward them, but before she could reach them, she also spat out blood before crashing to the floor.

“Ruth!” Natasha paled. She was about to rush forward, but Dustin pulled her back. “Don’t go there. It’s the air that’s poisonous, not the wine!”

“Then, what should we do? We have to save them!” Natasha cried worriedly, struggling to keep calm when faced with her poisoned family members.

“Take this pill first.”

and put it into Natasha’s mouth. It was a Curax, which was an


to first find the source of the poison. Give me some

ensuring Natasha’s safety, Dustin began scanning the room. For the poison to

odorless or

Lord! It must have been him!” Trent yelled as he

throw up more blood.

family!” Jacob seethed through gritted teeth. As a powerful martial

us go?” Hector coughed violently, his face turning as white as a sheet as his condition began to deteriorate.

before he even fully

ones in the hall left standing were Dustin

howling in pain.

it!” Dustin quickly noticed the

each corner of the hall, white smoking billowing

inspection, Dustin realized that all of the incense had been

of Incense was normally

getting rid of the source, Dustin pulled out several Curax tablets and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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