Chapter 453

Dustin did not leave right after meeting Natasha. Instead, he stayed in the Harmon estate under the pretense of treating Hector’s illness.

Naturally, to prevent the two of them from eloping, Mrs. Davys kept a close eye on them the entire time, separating them every time their actions became intimate.

During the night, the two were forbidden from seeing each other, which Dustin obeyed begrudgingly.

With that, the night passed uneventfully.

The next morning, the Harmons‘ annual family gathering had officially begun.

Countless people began pouring into the estate, luxury cars casually clustering the plaza.

As one of the Fabulous Five, the Harmon family was incredibly prosperous, consisting of hundreds of family


Besides those from the Harmon family, loyal company staff and other important family guests had all been invited as well making the place much livelier.

Hector, the head of the family, looked much better after receiving another round of treatment from Dustin.

Although the older man still looked weak, he was able to move around without much difficulty.

“Is the gathering this packed every year?” Dustin was shocked by the volume of guests heading to the banquet hall

“Of course!” Ruth lifted her head proudly. “Our family is large and well–connected, so a lot of people come for

our annual gathering.”

Grant family.” Natasha scoffed. None of the past gatherings had ever been this lively.

because of the

still doing here, Rhys?” An annoying voice asked

off her voluptuous curves, and her enchanting looks

my dad’s savior. Why can’t he be

It was just a coincidence. What’s there to be proud of?” Quentin

manners, Quentin,” the woman admonished Quentin before flashing Dustin a smile. “I’ve been feeling sick lately, Doctor. When can you come over to my room and


raised an eyebrow. What she said had sounded quite

him to


Chapter 453

brushing against

gathering is not something you can join. You should piss off,” Quentin growled a warning before following the woman, emitting the same

still staring

was just thinking of the unique scent

saying I don’t smell as good as her?” Natasha snapped, jealous. “She’s my eldest aunt. You

‘She’s so young.

long time ago, so

would criticize a couple with such a large age gap.” Dustin

shook her head and lowered her voice. “I’ve heard that

at her. “Are

having an affair

joke about something like that?” Natasha answered seriously. “I’m warning you. Stay away from that


at a loss for words. No wonder the woman

wear if he found out about his son sleeping

became even livelier. People crowded together to share wine and chat together. Beverages were self–served, so people

good time,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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