Chapter 482

“Mr. Dustin Rhys.”

“Who’s Dustin Rhys? I’ve never heard of him. Get lost, and don’t be an eyesore!” The guard lambasted. Every day, many people sent gifts to the Hill family. It had already become a regular occurrence for them.

“But Mr. Rhys instructed me to deliver this to Sir Patrick personally.” Edmund was in a hard spot.

“Hey, do you not understand what I said? I told you to get lost!” The guard was getting impatient.

Edmund was nervous and shrank back in slight fear. “Could you kindly deliver the message at least?”

“Who are you to ask me to deliver a message? Get lost before I lose my cool!” The guard’s expression was


“What’s the noise about?” At that moment, a tall, well–built man walked out.

A beggar is being rowdy and wants to pass a gift to Mr. Patrick. I’ll

him and turned his attention toward Edmund. “You know

filled with fear.

you kindly pass on the

cold glint flashed through his eyes. “So you were

you are acquainted with Mr. Rhys. Thank


God.” He sneered. “You mentioned a

Edmund nodded. “That’s right.”

not poisoned, is it?”

aback and waved his hands in panic.

the sick.

try it then?” He

for Sir Patrick. A person of my status can’t drink

me?” Torben’s expression turned dark. “You not drinking just proves

wine is suspicious. Someone, take him

I’ll drink!” Edmund panicked and opened up the bottle

too little. Finish the whole bottle!”

was shocked and at a loss. He would most probably

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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