Chapter 483

When Dustin returned to Enchanting Villa, it was already dusk, but Edmund was nowhere to be found. Dustin found it suspicious. Typically, Edmund would already have dinner prepared by this time. With how considerate he was, he would even inform Dustin in advance when he had to leave the house.

Just as he was wondering about the situation, his phone rang. It was from Abigail.

“Dustin! Things are bad. Something happened to my dad!” Dustin could tell she was anxious as soon as she spoke.

“What happened?” Dustin turned serious.

“The hospital just called. They said my dad was beaten up so badly he almost died,” Abigail replied.

Dustin’s brows furrowed slightly. “Edmund treats everyone with kindness. Why would he suddenly be beaten up?”

and he interacted with people with an apologetic smile on his face. Logically speaking, he wasn’t the


“Which hospital?”

‘Pinevale Hospital.”

right there.” Dustin left the house right after

he had arrived at the hospital. In one of the wards, Edmund appeared lifeless. He was covered in bandages, leaving only

a 17–year–old high school student. She had never encountered a situation of such magnitude. It was inevitable

Robinson?” Dustin suddenly stormed into

like she

my dad has multiple fractures and damaged organs. His whole body is also covered in all kinds of wounds. It’s suspected that

Dustin frowned. “Have you guys offended

head immediately. “My dad is


He approached Edmund and took a seat before feeling for his pulse. The next second, his expression darkened. Although Edmund’s injuries were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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