Chapter 470

Over at Spices Diner, Florence sat in a booth and took in the sight around her, occasionally commenting on what she saw. “Look, Dahlia. Things are so different here in Millsburg. Every other diner here looks so posh! I’ve decided! I’ll stay here in Millsburg for good! This is such a huge and advanced city! Everything’s so convenient here, and it’s way better than stuffy old Swinton!”

There was nothing much Dahlia could do but listen helplessly. She had planned on coming to Millsburg to assume her position alone, but Florence and James insisted on tagging along. They claimed that they didn’t want her coming to Millsburg alone with no one to rely on and that they’d be more at ease knowing that they’d be able to help her and take care of her.

“Mom, does Aunt Victoria live nearby?” James suddenly asked out of nowhere.

“She does! And I’ve invited her to join us for lunch. She should be here by now.” Florence nodded.

group of three came in through the door, led by a glamorously dressed middle–aged woman. She was adorned from head to toe in gold, from gold necklaces to gold earrings and rings. She appeared every part a wealthy woman, and she was none other than Florence’s sister, Victoria Franklin. Following behind her were Julie and an

seat!” Florence immediately stood up and welcomed them enthusiastically when she saw

to visit Millsburg? Victoria eyed her from head to toe, deliberately showing off her gold bangles and the thick gold rings on her fingers

registered with her how flashily Victoria had dressed up.

smugly. “I have to say, I’ve

hundred million dollars?” Florence’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Julie, since when were you so capable?” Dahlia had toiled and suffered for three whole years to start up Quine Group, and even

hundred million in cash. Julie had struck il rich

I graduated from a prestigious university? I’ve always been capable! You just don’t know it.” Julie hugged her arms arrogantly. She had returned to Millsburg

after selling

out.” Florence shot her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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