Chapter 469

Tyler leaned back into the seat. Even as he took a rest with his eyes closed, he exuded an air of danger.

“Tyler! That wretched girl Natasha is really too much! We need to bring her into line!” Jayla sat beside Tyler, still indignant over Natasha’s words. Her brother was such a remarkable person who was outstanding in every aspect. Natasha should have counted her blessings and thanked every deity she knew that he even wanted to marry her! But not only did she not appreciate him, she dared to call off the marriage alliance in front of such a crowd. This was humiliation through and through!

“Say something. Tyler! That bitch cheated on you! Are you really not pissed off by that?” Jayla was even more disgruntled by Tyler’s silence. His fiancée had cheated on him with another man and even got herself pregnant! This was something that would never sit well with any man!

“There’s no point getting all worked up.” Tyler said with indifference. “I am not marrying Natasha because I like her. I only have my eyes on the potential she holds, so it matters not to me whether or not she’s pregnant.”

“Surely you can’t be serious, Tyler! She cheated on you! Does that not matter to you?” Jayla thought that her ears were playing tricks on her.

“I am only interested in results. I don’t care what means it takes to achieve the results I’m after. I will marry Natasha, and that’s final. Whoever dares stop me from getting what I want, Ill see to it that they die.” Tyler’s

tone remained as detached as ever.

seat. She’d been away from her brother for two years, and she was starting to find that he was getting increasingly

fiancée. He truly seemed quite

about the man who was

Rhys, a medical practitioner. He lucked out and got a flower of Crimson Gem at an

We had a little argument over that.” Jayla told Tyler all that she knew about Dustin. After

with him back then, she ran a thorough check on

want it,” Tyler said nonchalantly. “Get

of the scumbag

eyes lit up instantly. She had been planning to

support, she was sure she’d get things to


you been for the past few days? I haven’t heard from you for quite some time. I went to

center to see you, but Maximus said you’ve

I’ve got some matters to attend to in Millsburg. I

What a nice coincidence! I’m in Millsburg too! I just got off the train.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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