Chapter 468

“More aggressive means?” Hector and the rest of the Harmons were taken aback by Dustin’s suggestion, and they all stared at him like he had gone out of his mind. He wanted to use more aggressive means against the

Grants? Did he have a death wish?

“Dustin, if you have a death wish, that’s all on you. Please do not implicate us!” Jessica said sternly with a frown. From how she saw it, her daughter’s rebellion and her publicly calling off the marriage were all because of Dustin, so she harbored some form off resentment toward him.

“Tyler Grant isn’t an ordinary person. He has the smarts and the brawns, he’s courageous and witty, and most importantly, he’s got military ranks. It would be arduous to make him back off.” Hector shook his head.

“Every man has his weaknesses. As long as I grab hold of his weakness, I’ll be able to turn the tables. We’ve got 10 days left. I’ll make sure that I smoothen everything out nicely.” Dustin promised with certainty.

“Act within your means, boy. Don’t push things, or you’ll bring doom upon yourself,” Hector warned him gravely. He was thankful to Dustin and did not wish to see him putting himself at risk.

I know what I’m

stay at the Harmon villa for the next few days? I don’t think that Tyler would do

from Jessica. “It would make things immensely worse if the Grants were to find out that Dustin is

things have already fallen apart between us. Will this

but if you continue provoking Tyler, then you’re putting us all in grave danger!” Jessica said sternly. With the power and authority the Grants possessed, they had infinite ways of making the Harmons‘ lives a

profile for the next few days.” Dustin nodded in agreement. It went without saying that he did not fear the Grants, but that did not mean that

to kill you?”

I haven’t had the chance to loosen up for the longest

weren’t part of the martial world, so they weren’t bound by all the rules of the martial world. They had no

someone off.

me. Stay home and wait for my good news!” Dustin soon left after setting

hiding, and the other was up on the surface. Neither one of them was easy to deal with. It would be a challenge for him to deal

strategy to settle everything.


Chapter 468

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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