Chapter 485

“What?” The rest of the guards froze at the sight of their buddy, who died with just a punch. They never

imagined Dustin would be so vicious. It was obvious that he didn’t have any respect for the Hills if he would

kill someone over a disagreement.

“How dare you!”

“The audacity!”

“You must be tired of living! To actually kill someone from the Hill family!”

After a momentary daze, the few remaining guards brandished their knives and yelled angrily at Dustin.

Dustin stood calmly in place. His cold gaze scanning them left and right, he asked, “Did you guys also beat Mr. Robinson up?”

“What?” Their pupils constricted as they unconsciously took a few steps back. It felt like they had been

soon realized the absurdity of it. They were at the Hill

to be afraid of when they were only up against a

want to die, surrender immediately,

took two steps

Dustin propelled him


was bewildered. “You fucking-” He was about to attack

the wall. In the span of a few breaths, only one guard was left standing among

the sight of his dead and crippled buddies, his face

chance. Get Torben out here!”

guard didn’t

stormed out of

the way in front with his head held high.

large group

The guard who escaped earlier pointed at Dustin. “He not only spoke

he even killed my

look, Torben let out an audible scoff. “So it’s you. What’s the matter?

who beat up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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