Chapter 486

With the distance closing in and only a few meters left between both parties, Dustin’s knees bent slightly before he stepped forcefully onto the ground. He propelled forward like a rocket, following an explosion–like noise that left a crater in its wake. What was left behind in his path were groans and splattered blood.

Protected by his energy sphere, the elite guards were sent flying before they could even touch him. Some suffered broken limbs, while others died instantly. No one could put up a fight against him. Dustin was like a fierce tiger preying upon a flock of sheep–unstoppable and invincible. Within a few minutes, half of the hundreds of elite guards had collapsed to the ground.

“Damn it, this punk has skills!” Torben frowned as he watched Dustin go on his rampage. The Hill family’s elite guards were the cream of the crop. It was a sight to see them fall one after the other.

“Young Mr. Hill, if my observation serves me right, that guy should be a divine–level martial artist.” The head of security, clad in a black outfit, suddenly commented.

“Divine–level martial artist? Aren’t you one as well? How confident are you?” Torben responded. To be head of security for the Hill family, one had to be at least a divine–level martial artist.

He was confident. “Don’t worry, Young Mr. Hill. Dealing with this guy will be a piece of cake.”

“Very well. Don’t kill him later, just make him crippled. I want to enjoy playing with him later!” Torben sneered.

He smirked. “No problem!”

of guards were sprawled on the ground as anguished moans and groans filled the air from the wounded and the

front. With a

you have encountered me

two words.

have quite the temper for your age.” His expression darkened. “Today, let me

You aren’t the only

forward when he rebounded more than 20 meters from the

that still

Torben was shocked by the turn of events. The Hill family’s head

artist, but he was defeated with just

turned his attention toward Torben and

I am a direct descendant of the Hill family. If you touch me,

you die a cruel death!” Torben

is not your immunity card. It might work on someone else,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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