Chapter 494

“Are you done? If that’s all you’re here to say, then get lost. Don’t be an eyesore.” Dustin waved his hand in

annoyance, clearly showing no respect for them at all.

“You-” Autumn was about to launch into a new tirade when Spring raised his hand and interjected. “Enough! Torben started this and is the one at fault. It’s only fair for him to apologize.”

“Spring!” Autumn’s brow furrowed deeply.

“What? Have you forgotten what Dad said?” Spring gave him the side eye, slightly upset.

“I …” Autumn gritted his teeth but remained silent in the end.

Spring gave a nod. “Torben, apologize to the person you beat up and bring this matter to an end.”

the words with difficulty as he laid on the stretcher. Since the odds were against him, he

satisfied now, kid?” Autumn’s expression


your fucking luck!” Autumn spat out. They’d humiliated themselves already

them to kneel

suddenly raised

widened in shock.

get on his knees.” Autumn gestured, wanting to get things

people carried Torben off the stretcher and dropped him on the ground, getting him on his knees. It aggravated his wounds, and his face contorted in agony as he howled

calmly, “Dustin, would

more thing.” Dustin shook

would that

responding to him, Dustin turned to Abigail and said, “Kid, this is the guy that beat your dad up into that state. He’s right in front of you now. It’s

but she gave Torben a death glare, her eyes

the anger you are feeling now

internal energy were welling up within her. After a while,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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