Chapter 493

In the face of the Hill family members‘ menacing gazes, Mike’s legs gave way as he finally succumbed to the pressure and fell to his knees with a thud.

“I–It’s It’s a misunderstanding!” Mike couldn’t stop shaking and broke out in a cold sweat. “I was just joking. Please don’t take it to heart, everyone.”

Patrick still had a smile plastered on his face. “You mean you’re not going to slap him?”

“No, I wouldn’t dare!” Mike waved his hands. “I have a cheap mouth and just like to brag. Please forgive me for my insolence, and don’t find fault with me.” Mike even slapped himself a few times to prove his sincerity.

At that moment, Nina, who was still quite young, was also shocked into silence and was trembling slightly. The Hill family was such a powerful family that she wasn’t even worthy of looking at them. Every one of them had the right to take her life away.

“Since you don’t have the guts to touch him, go stand at one side.” Patrick’s smile gradually disappeared.

“Yes, yes. Right away.

nodded like an obedient chick, shrinking back into a corner

his heart beat rapidly, he wondered why the prominent members

also wondered who beat Torben up to such

well.” Patrick turned toward Dustin

have you come today?” Dustin

“The thing is-”

to him!” Patrick was just about to explain when Autumn interrupted rudely. “Kid, you should be punished for hurting my son. But since the Hill family has always

outsider to the current situation. Mike and the rest of the classmates, on the other hand, were greatly shocked by his revelation. They glanced

chance?” With a smile, Dustin shook his head. “I’m

these two requirements. I

to him slowly, his gaze growing increasingly dark. “The ball is in my court now. Whatever I say goes.

Autumn frowned. “Are you going to fight us to

want me to. Your son and father don’t

“Are you threatening

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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