Chapter 585

“Oh, I’m going too far now, am I? Well, so what if I am? What are you going to do about it?” The red- haired lady stood with arms akimbo as she glared daggers at Dahlia.

“I’ve called the cops! You better not act rashly!” Dahlia warned. She had Julie make several calls. as soon as they had the accident.

“The cops?” The red–haired girl laughed obnoxiously as her friends behind her watched on. unkindly, obviously having no regard for the authorities. “Do you think that I’d be daunted by mere cops? I’ll have you know, I can kill you right this instant and chuck you into the ocean as fish food, and no one will be able to do anything about it!” She laughed nastily.

“Surely you can’t be above the law!” Dahlia shook her head with a frown, her brows furrowed.

“The law? Haha! I am the fucking law! Now, pay me ten million dollars, or I’ll show you what I’m capable of!” The red–haired lady threatened.

“Ten million dollars? That’s daylight robbery!” Julie was aggravated. Even if she had bought that car in cash, it’d only amount to slightly over two million at best, so if they were to pay for the repair cost, several hundred thousand would be more than enough.

For her to demand ten million dollars as compensation was pure extortion, and most importantly, she was the one who was in the wrong, so why should they be the ones paying her?

have only two options. One, you pay me;

just robbery!” Julie

to Julie which sent her sprawling to the ground once again.

stepped between them, hiding Julie behind her. “You lay another finger on her and you’ll pay dearly for it!”

Dahlia hard on the face. “Who

in her hand, her expression livid. These people were

time, pay up, or you’ll

did nothing wrong! Why should we pay?”

smile, the red–haired lady continued, “It’d be a pity for you to lose your pretty little face! I’d like to see if you’d dare to show up in public again after I’m


a wave of her hand, the red–haired lady called out to


mean smiles on their


Chapté 595

hood of the car.

began gently grazing it on Dahlia’s face. “But I do not like seeing things perfect, so I guess I’ll just have to ruin it!” And then she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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