Chapter 586

The young men and women, who were with the red–haired lady, began clamoring, disregarding

Dustin’s presence.

“Get down on your knees and apologize, or I’ll break your arms and legs!” Dustin demanded coldly.

“My! cocky, aren’t you?” One of the men walked up to Dustin and poked him in the chest rudely, taunting him as he did so, “Do you know who we are, loser? How dare you act so arrogantly with

us? I’ll-”

Before he could finish his sentence, he was struck with full force across the face. A loud slap

could be heard as he was sent flying through the air, crashing through a car window head–first. The top half of his body went right through the window and into the car, whereas the other half of

his body dangled outside of the car.

Do you have a death wish?” The

swift motion, she launched herself toward Dustin at

When she got near, she threw a punch at Dustin with

sound. She was obviously a trained

a firm tug. A loud cracking sound was heard, and her

there, frozen in place. It wasn’t until the pain hit her that she finally let out a blood–curdling shriek. But midway through her shriek, she was cut off by a


your parents didn’t raise you right, I’ll educate you

her two hard slaps on the face. The lady

even know who I am? I’m Maggie Doyle from the prestigious Doyle

lady glared fiercely at

had been gloating over Maggie’s

Doyle family was one of the Fabulous Five and had

powerful. With the level of influence the Doyle family

slightly as her expression turned grave. No wonder she was acting so arrogantly! It was

misunderstanding. Please don’t be mad; we’ll pay you for your loss!” Julie immediately apologized to Maggie respectfully once she

done apologizing, she shouted at Dustin, “Hey Dustin! What are you doing? Let go of Miss

regret it!” Maggie smirked sinisterly. “And you bastard, weren’t you all high and mighty just a while ago? Where’s your arrogant attitude now? You crossed a line when you placed your hands on me! You

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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