Chapter 511

It was afternoon when Dustin arrived at the Harmon estate in a hurry after getting the news. He was greeted by the sight of armed soldiers surrounding the compound. Hundreds of armed men from the elite forces of the Harmon Family guarded the entrance in what appeared to be a standoff, and both sides weren’t about to back. down.

“Harmons, I will make myself clear–hand over the suspect, or we’ll subject everyone to the same punishment! “The commander–in–charge bellowed, his full voice echoing through the compound. Behind him, the soldiers stood stiffly while holding their guns. Once the commander gave his orders, these soldiers would shoot mercilessly.

“What’s all this about?” Dustin frowned at the violent confrontation. He wondered how the Harmons got involved with the military.

“Sir, what calls for the mobilization of these forces?” Dustin went up to him and questioned.

“I was ordered to capture the suspect. Unrelated personnel please leave the grounds right now!” The commander barked in his face.

“Mr. Rhys, you’re here! Please, come on in!” Jack, the butler, immediately spotted Dustin and asked that the elite forces make way for Dustin to enter. The crowd parted before swiftly closing up the path again after Dustin made his way into the building.

you refuse to hand the suspect over, do

commander gave his final warning, but the elite forces did not

they had to

with me.” Jack ignored the commander’s threats and led the way.

to the brim. The

were whispering to each

Harmon paced the room. apprehensively. Natasha and

showed up in the room

Please check on my dad!” Natasha’s face lit up, and she

a pale and sweaty Hector,

performed a detailed checkup

illness. To top that off,

fainted. He should

relieved sigh escaped from Jessica’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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