Chapter 512

Chapter 512

“Dad, did you do anything else than drink?” Natasha pressed on.

“What do you mean?” He was puzzled by her questions.

“Dad, think carefully! You can’t make a mistake here!” She was dead serious.

“I think I blacked out from drinking. I can’t remember a thing. What happened?” Hector frowned softly. Natasha finally dropped the bomb. “Dad, Sir Moran’s daughter was dead!”

“She’s dead?” He was stunned by the news. “How did that happen?”

“We don’t have the details yet, but rumors had it that you were the murderer!” Natasha informed him.

murderer?” He was completely lost. Eyes

how drunk I am, I would not kill someone!” He might be a lightweight, but he was a well–behaved drunk. Normally, he’d be dead asleep

her. Sir Moran’s forces are at our door, and they will force their way in at any time! Think carefully! Did you do it or not?” Natasha growled. The regional deputy

a command.

can’t recall a thing, but I believe that I would never do that.” Hector furrowed

Sir Moran

birthday event? You do not have self–control at all!” Jacob seemed

were the culprit. Don’t drag your family into it.” At that moment, a slender and alluring beauty emerged from the crowd. She was Trent’s eldest daughter, Kate. Trent had a son and daughter, but

dad is not a murderer!” Ruth glared

people to commit crimes accidentally. If Uncle Hector is innocent, why would Sir Moran send his men to arrest him?” Kate

Ruth was dumbfounded, “You-”

that it might be true. The problem was that Hector could not recall

the murder on him?”

in her thoughts, said, “The possibility has crossed my mind, but I don’t have evidence for now. We need a detailed investigation,” It was too much of a coincidence for the murder to happen at that

Chapter 512

Sir Moran’s daughter was murdered after

and took advantage of her?” Kate dropped another odd

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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