Chapter 507

“H–how could that be? I–impossible!” Terrence’s eyes were bulging with disbelief. Although he did not put much effort into the job, at least he didn’t make any mistakes. On top of that, he was carefree during his time

with the company because he had the backing of the higher–ups. Given his social connections, it wouldn’t

make sense for him to get fired. He couldn’t wrap his head around the situation.

“Terrence, you’re fired?” Julie was bug–eyed when she noticed the change in Terrence’s expression. He had promised her the business contract, but how did he end up losing his job instead?

“It looks like there’s trouble.” Dahlia furrowed her brows and appeared pensive. She had pinned her hopes on Terrence, but he wouldn’t be of any help anymore.

“Cole Suzman, be honest–were you playing dirty behind my back?” Terrence fixed his gaze on Cole.

“Why would I do so when there’s nothing between us? Plus, even if I wanted, I wouldn’t have the power to do that. You should look at yourself for the reason,” Cole said impassionately. He had long been frustrated by employees who were coasting at work, and he was more than pleased to see Terrence fired.

that except for you! You must have ratted on me!” Terrence glowered at him. He had embezzled money when he was on the job, and Cole must

so, I can’t do anything about it.” Cole could not be bothered to explain himself. After all, he couldn’t care less since Terrence was

“If you think you’ve won, you’re wrong! I’ll let you know–I have backing within the company. Even if I’m fired today,


And who’s that person backing

want to sit down for this. My uncle is the CEO of the company!”

a guy like you would work your way into a managerial role. It’s all thanks to your connection!” Cole’s expression fell He heard about Terrence’s jaw–dropping social connections, but he never thought that Terrence was a relative of the CEO. He worried that he

you afraid now?”

one who ratted me out, you made the dumbest mistake in your life. Apologize to me now, or you’ll be the

think you can do as you wish just because you have

unhappy about it? What are you going to do?” Terrence threw his head back and laughed, knowing that he’d be fine in any crisis as long

CEO! That’s amazing!” Julle gave him a look of adoration. A department manager was

Chapter 507

the company, it’s all thanks to my

Dahlia? That’s how amazing Terrence’s connections are! He

conceited, Julie turned her attention to Dustin. “Dustin,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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