Chapter 506

“Wait!” Julie ran up to the middle–aged man just as he was about to leave. “Mr. Suzman, you might not know

me, but you must know Terrence Stone.”

*Terrence Stone?” The man lifted an eyebrow. “What do you three have to do with him?”

*Terrence is my boyfriend!” Julie beamed proudly. “Mr. Suzman, I believe that he has already given you a heads

-up. Now, can we go to your office?”

“No, you can’t.” The man put on a frosty look. “I’ll repeat: you have to make an appointment to meet with me.”

“What?” Julie was slightly taken aback by his attitude. “Mr. Suzman, did you not hear me? I’m Terrence’s

I’m here to talk

snickered. “Even if it were Terrence who came to see

appointment too!”

Julie choked on anger and refused to believe that Mr. Suzman

at the mention

name–dropping won’t work around here.” Dustin flashed her a

She showed up

colleagues with Terrence. Do you want to

with him?”

else!” The man bellowed at them. Julie’s cheeks burned

puffed. “You’re

Acting like you’re something, aren’t you?” Terrence snorted and marched toward

to him and started complaining.

the middle–aged man. “Cole Suzman, you’re getting bolder these days. I haven’t seen you in

show me

do you deserve my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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