Chapter 505

“What? What do you mean he can’t save his own ass?! What nonsense is that?” Julie glared at him crossly. She was annoyed with the way Dustin had poured cold water on her suggestion.

“If I’m not wrong. Terrence Stone will be fired by the Brooks Corporation today,” Dustin proclaimed breezily.

“Bullshit!” Julie was irked by his prediction. “Our Terrence is good at his job. Why would he get fired?”

“Whether you believe it or not, it’s all up to you. Anyway. Terrence Stone can’t help us on the second challenge. “Dustin shrugged.

“If he can’t help, are you saying that you can do it? What a joke! Julie stared at him icily, thinking that he was only a reckless man who shouldn’t be bragging around.

“Sorry to tell you, but I can do what Terrence Stone can’t.” Dustin grinned at her.

“Oh, you’re getting cocky now, aren’t you?” Julie was burning with rage.

“Dustin Rhys, I wanted to respect you, but if you’re such an arrogant twat, I’ll prove you wrong!” Then, she immediately made a call to Terrence and told him the situation, albeit embellished with dramatic elements.

That’s hilarious! I’m in


looking down on you. Why don’t you show him the power of your

Julie fanned

right? I’ll make a call to Mr. Suzman, the manager of the Sales Department, and

your help!” Delighted, Julie hung up and tossed her hair. “Weren’t you acting all smug just now?

why not.” Dustin was

Brook Corporation, with hundreds of billions worth of assets, was the most prominent company in

Gang was nothing compared to Brooks Corporation. Terrence was not only the manager at

a futile

doors at the entrance

chime, and the trio emerged from the

I’m sure everything will go fine.” Feeling confident, Julie went to the front desk and rapped her knuckles on the tabletop in

Suzman for us! Just tell him


Chapter 505

have an appointment?” The front desk

regular visitors need appointments. We don’t.” Julie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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