Chapter 504

“Have a good day, Sir Rhys!” Nelson bowed deeply to the trio as they left.

“Have a good day. Sir Rhys!” The members of the Flame Dragon Gang mimicked Nelson and chanted loudly.

Hank had run down to the first floor from his viewing point when he figured that something was off. He confronted Nelson. “Lord Horst, what’s wrong? Why did you pay her back?”

Nelson had promised to teach Dahlia a lesson, but upon the meeting. Nelson obediently paid the debts without a word of protest. Since when were the Flame Dragon Gang such losers?

“Oh, ‘why‘ you fucking ask?” Nelson turned around and glowered as he hissed, “Did you know who’s the guy beside that lady just now?”

“Wasn’t he just a bodyguard? What’s so special about that?” Hank frowned, confused by Nelson’s reaction.

“Just a bodyguard?!” After the initial shock, Nelson smacked Hank hard on the back of his head and rebuked, ” You blind fuckwit! That’s our new gang leader!”

gang leader?”

of you. Don’t you ever show up in front of me. Now, get lost!” Incandescent with rage, Nelson flung the Rolex watch in Hank’s face. Hank was simmering with anger but dared not talk back. So, he left with his tail between his legs. Never had he expected Dahlia to be acquainted

Dahlia blurted out the question. She was still in disbelief, but she figured out that something was not quite

it with your own eyes just now. How could that be fake?”

mean, how did you become the leader?”

integrity. Did

asked her with a

doubtful glance. He gave

up as the leader, but I only have one

stared at him with

as they don’t hurt me. From now

any sort of

good to hear that.” She let out a relieved sigh. Before this, she was genuinely worried that Dustin

suddenly spoke up. “But you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself. The gang isn’t made up of good guys,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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