Chapter 503

“What?” The man was in a state of confusion after being slapped. He held his cheek, looking lost. The other

men exchanged looks of shock. No one had expected that outburst from Nelson, who one second ago was

screaming about slashing the visitors. And the next second, Nelson appeared frightened, as though he saw

ghosts. What was going on?

“What are you doing there? Hurry up and get me the check!” Nelson gave the frozen man a nervous kick.

“Okay…” The man hurriedly stumbled his way back to the office. He had no clue about the situation, but one thing was for sure–Lord Horst was fearful.

and squeezed an apologetic smile. “Sir Rhys, when did you arrive? You should have informed me earlier, so I could send someone to pick you

at each other in disbelief. Why would the cruel Lord

off the debts of the Flame Dragon Gang. Understood?” Dustin scolded Nelson. The latter nodded fervently as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. “Right, Sir Rhys, you’re right. I was acting without

be the case. By the way, you were a hooligan just now. You should apologize to

Dustin warned him.

only hope that you show me grace and forgive me this time.” Nelson plastered a smile on his face as he continuously bowed and apologized. However, his behavior came unexpectedly for Dahlia. She

received a great shock. To be honest, Julie was at a loss for words

the same man as the notorious and

here to collect the debts. Please forgive me if I offended

responded to him.

for owing you the payments in the first place.” Nelson was rather surprised and moved by her manners. Anyone could tell

The man returned in a hurry, carrying a check in his hand. Nelson wiped

much respect, “Chairman Nicholson, this is the amount I owed you. Please

million?” When she checked the figures, she was slightly surprised at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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