Chapter 514

Jessica had always believed her husband, but the result at the moment had left her completely stunned.

“Hector, look at what you have done!” Trent was exasperated.

“Y–you son of a bitch! You’re not worthy to be the patriarch!” Flying into a rage, Jacob threw a punch at Hector’s face.

Such a scandal was going to bring extreme humiliation to the entire family.

“Dad, you…” Knitting her brows. Natasha wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in her throat. At first, she firmly believed that her father had been framed. However, looking at the pieces of irrefutable evidence now, she was at a loss as to how to defend him.

Even Hector was inexplicably shocked. It was indeed his face that appeared in the video. On top of that, the way that person dressed up was also just like his.

“Did I really kill someone after getting drunk?” Hector muttered inwardly. At the thought of that, Hector coughed up a mouthful of blood, not able to withstand the shock. His face was ashen white.

“Dad!” Natasha wanted to support him subconsciously but was stopped by him.

“Natasha, I’m sorry for dragging you all into this mess. Now that I’ve done something like this, how can I continue to live with myself?” As soon as he finished speaking, he snatched the gun from the commander and pointed it at his own head. He pulled the trigger, attempting to use his death to make up for his mistake.



aback by that. They wanted to stop him, but it

pierced the air, the bullet missed its target and brushed past Hector’s forehead by a hair’s breadth, leaving a streak of

seized the gun in Hector’s

we haven’t gotten to the bottom of the situation yet.


to be so cruel to himself. Hector directly sought to end his

not been confirmed. If Dustin hadn’t been fast enough, Hector would’ve been dead

for making a mistake. Only by paying it with my life

life. How could

this had happened?

Hector, there’s something fishy about this matter. Don’t act recklessly. Let’s wait


not going to solve anything by dying. As the patriarch of

escape your


Chapter 514

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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