Chapter 515

The fact that Hector was arrested caused quite a stir among the members of the Harmon family.

Everyone was rushed off their feet, using whatever connections they had to prove Hector innocent. Hector was the patriarch of the Harmons; he represented the family. If he was really charged with murder, not only would he be ruined, but the whole Harmon family would also be terribly criticized by the public.

After giving out the order, Natasha called some of the trustworthy people to her room to discuss the countermeasures. Not everyone in the family stood on the same side. Trent and Jacob

harbored their own thoughts. She naturally didn’t trust them.

“What do you think about this matter?” Natasha asked, glancing around.

“Could it be that Dad got sloshed for real, so he…” Ruth trailed off.

Before Ruth saw the video, she was sure that her father was not the kind of person who would commit such a crime. However, now that the evidence was right before her eyes, she couldn’t help but doubt his innocence.

alcohol tolerance level. But why did he drink so much this time

Natasha, saving Mr. Harmon is what’s most

clear his name anytime

what do you think?” Natasha looked at

think it’s a coincidence that this matter happens at this time. Your dad

“That’s what we hope too, but all

will believe us.”

so we mustn’t just look on the

gotten a clue?” Natasha

there’s a special skill in this world, which is called Face–Changing Art. I suspect that someone has impersonated your

them exchanged glances with one another, shocked


the annual gathering that day?

When she escaped, I think she left behind a human

might be framed

about Face–Changing


Chapter 515

hope at the moment.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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