Chapter 571

“Hahaha! Sir Moran is here! The Harmons are saved!”

“With Sir Moran present, I doubt Tyler would continue his reckless behavior!”

Keith’s appearance uplifted the Harmons‘ spirits, and they felt inexplicably happy, finally feeling at ease after their previous feelings of repression. So what if Tyler was General Lionheart? He was only a major general. Sir Moran, as a lieutenant general and the one who controlled the army, held greater authority than Tyler. Even a talented genius like Tyler had to show deference in the presence of Sir Moran.

Trent flashed a wide smile. “Hector, I can’t believe you actually got Sir Moran to come. That’s


“Trent, you got it all wrong. Sir Moran’s appearance should have something to do with my son’s identity,” Jacob said proudly.

Dark Panther Cavalry and is backed by the Goddess of War. With such a bright future, Sir Moran must have recognized his

that’s right… Dylan is our

to have Keith confront Tyler. However, things were different if they

act as he pleases!” Dylan reveled in the praises, accepting the credit without hesitation. Hector

so many guards, General Lionheart?” Keith’s tone was frosty as he questioned Tyler, walking up to him

with you. I hope you won’t interfere,” Tyler was indifferent. Despite Keith’s higher rank, he remained

safety is my responsibility. If you stir up trouble here, it’s only natural for me

a local general while I was bestowed my title by the royal family. Do you have

do so, I will not stand idly by!” Keith

people you brought with you is not enough to

said, maintaining his advantage.

in?” At that moment, they heard an elderly yet commanding voice. It wasn’t loud, yet it reverberated

in leisurely. He exuded a strong presence and had a piercing gaze, evoking an overwhelming air with his every move. Though unintentional, it was intimidating. As he


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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