Chapter 572

“Who could it be then?” The Harmons were shocked once again. Who had the power to bring forth

Sir Hill?

Hector shook his head again. Paul’s appearance was indeed unexpected.

“Tyler Grant, do you think I can’t stop your army?” Paul stood unwavering like a tall mountain, his presence overwhelming. Even the guards behind Tyler began trembling as they held their guns. Not everyone could handle the imposing presence of a grandmaster.



He had the power to single–handedly take on tens of thousands of men. Tyler’s army was naturally not enough to stop him. The important

I hope you will stay out of it.” Tyler remained

in people’s affairs and will help out if I witness injustice. And since I’ve come across one today, naturally,

the Tremendous Three, and each family had their own strengths. While they

it today. The grievances between your families can

to back down?” Tyler countered. He had gone this

face if he backed down so

Paul spoke, he forcefully stomped on the ground. The impact caused a resounding explosion, leaving

a violent surge of energy rushed toward Tyler’s armed guards like an avalanche. The black–clad, armed guards staggered backward like they were

terrifying sight. That was a grandmaster’s ability! With just one foot, he nearly defeated a hundred

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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