Chapter 573

“Are you going to back down or not?” Paul stood proudly and imposingly.

“Tyler, that’s enough.” Keith stepped forward as well, standing next to Paul. He alone might not be able to hold Tyler back, but with Paul’s power in the martial world, it should be enough to make Tyler wary. He believed that Tyler would be smart enough to back down.

“Looks like Tyler is about to be forced to submit.”

“Who can stand against two highly influential figures when they come together?”

“I didn’t know the Harmons held such influence. They were actually able to force Tyler into a

tough spot.”

among themselves. Tyler was an undeniably outstanding individual with a formidable background. No one dared to confront him,

However, I’m afraid it won’t be that easy to make me back down.” Tyler’s expression gradually grew colder. To be able to climb

was now, he naturally

adapt to their circumstances. Going against the tide is not

move,” Keith commented casually.

resorting to displays of power now, huh? Fine, I’m curious to see who holds

here,” Tyler said, taking out

the door. The sound grew louder as they approached nearer. The resonating sound struck fear in people’s hearts. Following the noise, the Harmon family’s butler rushed in, shouting anxiously, “Mr. Harmon, things are looking bad! An

frowned. “Whose

be me!” A burly, middle–aged man in a general’s

in confidently. Keith’s expression shifted slightly at the sight of the man. Even Paul, who stood beside

can’t be. Even Regional

out of hand! It really is


else could compare to him in the whole of Southern Province. He held true power. Even Keith had to show him deference. After all, one was the regional chief, while the other was the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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