Chapter 574

Paul responded calmly, “It’s two against two. We’re not exactly at a disadvantage.”

“Sir Paul, I’m afraid it’s two against one. You should ask Sir Moran if he’s still willing to open this

can of worms,” Roger spoke profoundly.

“Hmm?” Paul turned to Keith and realized he seemed upset. It appeared like he had decided to back out with his silence. Keith was able to go up against Tyler alone, but with Roger backing him, it was a different story. After all, he wasn’t too acquainted with the Harmons. There was no need to jeopardize his career over this.

The Harmons feel dejected by Keith’s silence. Once he backed out, it would be hard for the Harmons to escape the situation unscathed.

“Mr. Harmon, I was indeed taken by surprise by your planning. Sadly, it isn’t enough. So, what is your decision?” Tyler looked up slightly, his gaze directed at Hector.

Roger’s army, Paul alone wouldn’t be able to save the Harmons. Hector furrowed his brow, his expression solemn. Was he to

Trent stood up to mediate. “General Lionheart, we can discuss this. There’s no need to escalate things this far.” The Harmons had used up their trump cards. They could only give in if they didn’t wish

I have a condition,” Tyler

Trent responded, “What condition?”

who dared challenge the authority of the Grants should pay a price. He was


toward Hector, who was beside him. Hector

Don’t go too far!” Natasha

actions. You were the ones

Natasha’s expression grew

for.” Zoey, who was among the

consequence for

about it, he brought this upon himself.” Gordon was

still not worthy

else can save you today?” Tyler uttered

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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